Wells Fargo Phone Number

Wells Fargo Customer Service Phone Numbers and Addresses.

If you have any other problems using the Wells Fargo online banking service, or mobile app, you may need to call the customer service team.

Wells Fargo General Customer Service Phone Number.

The main Wells Fargo phone number for general questions is: 1-800-869-3557.

Wells Fargo Online Banking Phone Number.

The Wells Fargo phone number for specific online banking issues is: 1-800-956-4442.

Wells Fargo Lost Cards Phone Number.

Customers who have lost their credit card, or think it has been stolen should call: 1-800-642-4720.

Wells Fargo Credit Cards Phone Number.

Wells Cargo Credit Card customers can can call customer service at 1-800-642-4720.

Wells Fargo Personal Loans Phone Number.

For personal loans enquiries at Wells Fargo, call 1-888-667-5250

Wells Fargo Auto Loans Phone Number.

For enquiries about Auto Loans, can: 1-877-246-1015

Wells Fargo Insurance Phone Number.

If you want a quote for home, personal or ca insurance, call an agent on: 1-877-246-1015.

Open an Account.

Meanwhile, if you would like to open up a bank account, the number to call is: 1-866-245-3452.

Wells Fargo Mail Address.

Finally, if you would like to write to Wells Fargo Headquarters with a customer service issue, complaint, or any other query, the address to write to is:

Wells Fargo Corporate Office

Wells Fargo Corporate Offices
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104.

Wells Fargo Online Customer Service
Wells Fargo Customer Service
P.O. Box 560948
Charlotte, NC 28256

Wells Fargo Auto Finance
Wells Fargo Auto Finance
P.O. Box 29704
Phoenix, AZ 85038-9704

Wells Fargo Home Mortgages
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
P.O. Box 10335
Des Moines, IA 50306-0335

Wells Fargo Checking and Savings Accounts
Wells Fargo Bank
P. O. Box 6995
Portland, OR 97228-6995

Wells Fargo Consumer Credit Card Services
Wells Fargo Card Services
P.O. Box 51193
Los Angeles, CA 90051-5493

Wells Fargo Home Equity
Wells Fargo Home Equity
P.O. Box 10335
Des Moines, IA 50306-0335

Wells Fargo Student Loans
Wells Fargo Education Financial Services
P.O. Box 5185
Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5185

Wells Fargo Social Media Customer Service.

Alternatively, customers often find it faster to deal with small issues through Wells Fargo’s Social Care outlets on Twitter or Facebook.

Social Care Support is avaiable 7 days a week, but tremember never to reveal your contact and account details on social media.

Please share your expreciences with Wells Fargo’s customer service in the comment section below.

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